


Film that accompanies the journey of two passionate researchers after the catastrophic shipwreck of the Vapor Itata, which occurred in 1922 on the coast of Coquimbo, where nearly 500 people lost their lives, mainly families of workers who traveled to the nitrate industry, " hooked "with the hope of a better life.



A childhood memory leads me to the fable of being Chango, the desire to identify with this group, the origin of my father and my relationship with the sea, lead me to the story of Felipe and his great-grandfather Roberto Álvarez "El Chango Robe" , the last builder of wolf leather rafts, thanks to his legacy and the identity demand of his great-grandson, the Chango people managed to be recognized as an indigenous ethnic group of Chile



We were hired to make a short documentary of the Blue Whale scientific expedition, financed by MERI foundation in Melimoyu in the Gulf of Corcovado, where we were able to see and share with national and international scientists.